Supporting the fighters, admiring the survivors, honoring the taken, and never ever giving up hope.

Pete’s Table is a physical and digital place to remember those touched by cancer. If you would like to honor a fighter, survivor, or loved one, email us.


Honoring Millicent Orgill Bohart

February 6th, 1956-February 14th, 2020

Millicent was a person who lit up the room when she walked in. She was breathtakingly beautiful, extremely smart, successful, very classy and most importantly kind. If you knew Millicent, then she made your life better. She was always taking care of people, and doing what she could to make someone feel good about themselves. Through her battle she showed the highest form of strength and courage, and fought this disease with such beauty, heroism, and class..exactly how Millicent was . She taught so many lessons in life, but the one that always stands out is “if you ever have the choice to sit it out or need to get up and dance”. She will forever be missed by those who knew her, and the impact she left on earth will never be forgotten.


Honoring Ed Torkelson

October 27th 1949-November 27th, 2020

As an uncle, brother and friend Ed was a man who made real connections with people and valued those relationships. Ed flattered everyone he listened to with absolute attention and always celebrated others’ successes. Throughout his life, Ed gave generously and quietly to those close to him when help was needed. He supported numerous charities and volunteered at many non profit organizations. He had a sharp wit, a quick mind, and a confident yet self-deprecating manner. Ed’s positive outlook endured through his battle with cancer, and he was always grateful for the good fortune he had in life. He is greatly missed by his family, friends (old and new), neighbors and co-workers.

These warriors remind and motivate us to keep building Pete’s Triple Play. We won’t stop until a cure is found.

You can help us raise money for cancer research. Get involved with our annual event.